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Women’s Waves – Episode 17

April 30, 2024

In this episode we touch on the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women position paper on the definition of “women”, discuss with our member Cindy how men prey on women’s economic vulnerability and review with our member Petal the documentary Hidden Letters.

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Sign the petition supporting BILL C-223: National Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income Act

BIG Forum – Canadian forum for better income security—through a Basic Income Guarantee. May 23-26, 2024, in Ottawa and virtually

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Welfare is like a super-sexist marriage. You trade in a man for the man. But you can't divorce him if he treats you bad. He can divorce you, of course, cut you off anytime he wants. But in that case, he keeps the kids, not you. The man runs everything. In ordinary marriage, sex is supposed to be for your husband.

Women in Canada expect full and generous provision for all people's basic needs from the common wealth. Social and collective provision for sustaining life must be generous and secure in Canada and must be delivered through national mechanisms appropriately influenced and controlled by the women of our many specific communities.

By Lee Lakeman, Angela Miles, and Linda Christiansen-Ruffman

A guaranteed livable income should be looked at as a health initiative. Just as clean water and sanitation are recognized as essential in disease prevention, so should a guaranteed income be looked at as necessary to our physical and social health and the health of the planet,

By Cindy L'Hirondelle

Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) was featured in the first issue of MS. Magazine in 1972, where welfare activist Johnnie Tillmon stated: "Maybe we poor welfare women will really liberate women in this country… . We put together our own welfare plan, called Guaranteed Adequate Income, which would eliminate sexism from welfare."

By Cindy L’Hirondelle
April 2006

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