You’re invited to our pandemic-adapted Walk for Rape Relief!
The onset of COVID-19 meant that we couldn’t hold our annual Walk for Rape Relief in 2020. Although we’d hoped to gather and celebrate in person in 2021, it looks like we’ll have to wait a bit longer to see one another in Stanley Park.
Please join us between May 29th and June 6, 2021 and Walk for Rape Relief on your own, or with your household, or with members of your core bubble.
Get started by calling us at 604-872-8212 to register and visit CANADA HELPS to start online fundraising.
Check out our handy how-to guide that explains the in’s and out’s of the Walk and fundraising for Rape Relief.
Download pledge sheets to print off for offline donations collected or call us to have some sent to you.
We’ve mapped out a 3, 6, and 10KM route that you can choose from if you feel adventurous, but your own neighbourhood is just as great.
We’ll also send you a wearable I Walked the Walk for Rape Relief marker for photo-ops after calling us to register (for those who live in BC)
We’d love it if you can take a photo while on your walk and share it with us by tagging us on social media, or sending it to us directly by June 6th, so we can share your walks and your smiles with our community!
Share on Facebook: @VancouverRapeRelief
Share on Instagram: @raperelief
Email us your photos! info [@] rapereliefshelter dot bc dot ca
It’s been a tough year and we know that not everyone is in a position to give, but even talking to people in your life about Rape Relief and ending male violence against women helps.
As usual, all the pledges you collect will go toward operational costs for our rape crisis centre and transition house as well as material aid for women who’ve experienced male violence.
Follow us on Facebook @VancouverRapeRelief to stay up-to-date on our fundraising progress and everything Walk For Rape Relief related!
For more information, feel free to contact us by phone 604-872-8212