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Vancouver Rape Relief’s Submission to Canada’s Department of Finance: Pre-Budget Consultation

February 10, 2023

We are calling on the federal government to allocate appropriate funding in the 2023 budget to the following the following demands: 

Responding to socio-economic inequalities

  • Provision of a Universal Guaranteed Livable Income that meets adequate standards of living and allow for discretionary spending to enhance full participation in community life. It must be provided unconditionally (i.e. without a means test, without a job search requirement, without limitations on expenditures, without claw backs, without wait times or any other conditions). It must be given to all individual adults in a household regardless of marital status and provide for each child that is in the care of that adult.
  • Provision of nutritious and sustainably-produced food to low-income families and individuals in all geographic locations across Canada.
  • Provision of free public transportation in every community to allow women’s freedom of movement. Women in rural and remote communities must have the ability to leave their communities through frequent and safe public transportation.

Responding to male violence against women

  • Funding of safe and permanent housing for women who leave abusive partners and their children.
  • Funding for comprehensive prostitution exiting services. 
  • Funding for women-only detox and recovery services that are available on demand.
  • Funding for legal representation for victims of rape so that they can use civil lawsuits to obtain justice and hold their rapist accountable.
  • Funding for transcribing all sexual assault trials judgements to be posted online and for public scrutiny of judges.


Hilla Kerner, for the collective of Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter

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