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A letter to my rapist # 4

Dear Logan, I decided a long time ago that I never wanted to speak to you again. I used to write letters to you that I never sent, and its […]

A letter to my rapist # 3

Saul, You raped me. I didn’t want to have sex with you. I bled on your carpet, but you assumed I was menstruating and forced me to have your penis […]

A letter to my rapist # 2

You hurt me, more than my words could ever articulate. When I think back to when I was 15, I put my trust in you and couldn’t ever imagine that […]

A letter to my rapist # 1

Javier, I could try to explain to you how you hurt me, get into the psychological and emotional toll that I experienced as a result of your disgusting actions, or […]

Women-Only Space: A firsthand account

It has often been the men I’ve encountered in my life that have been responsible for the trauma I’ve endured. However, it is with women that I have felt the […]

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