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Throughout 2023, there has been an explosion of closed groups popping up on Facebook under the banner of “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” each specific to a particular community/region of Canada, as well as internationally, including the U.S., Australia, and the United Kingdom.

By Laurel McBride
July 17, 2023

Virtual Event: Live from @VancouverRapeRelief Facebook page and Zoom

December 2021
By Heather Mason, Natasha Barbe, Krystal Gilbert, Stephanie Martin, Tanya Bogdanovich, Alia Pierini, Elizabeth Rubec, Jill Gignac, Ashley Young, Beverly Fullerton, Jacob Birtch, Stephanie Martin, Chantal Hubick, Sabrina Whiting, Tara Sanderson, *Anonymous I, *Anonymous II, Desiree Gamblin, Brittany Hulan, Jenny Lariviere and Mariam Nouri
June 2, 2021

With Linda MacDonald and Jeanne Sarson (Nova Scotia Feminists Fighting Femicide), Asian women for Equality and Karen Ingala Smith (Counting Dead Women UK)

With Woman’s Place UK, Radical Girlsss, the Movement of Young Women of the European Network of Migrant Women QG Feminista, Brazil and Ashani Montgomery, Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter

December 3, 2020

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