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The Coalition particularly rejects the cruel logic that the overrepresentation of the most marginalized women, including Indigenous women, in the prostitution industry, is akin to an employment equity program, rather than a reflection of profound sexism and sexualized colonialism.

By The Women's Equality Coalition
July 8, 2024

Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on VAW presentsher report on prostitution and violence against women and girls

June 22, 2024

Trisha Baptie, EVE (formerly Exploited Voice now Educating): "The vulnerable and marginalized were finally seen and heard in this decision. Sex buyers, pimps, and traffickers, the root of the issue, were told that in fact they are predators who should be stopped."

September 18, 2023

"Until there is no longer a market for sexual access to women and girls’ bodies, traffickers will continue to have financial incentive to recruit vulnerable women and girls into commercial sexual exploitation. The work of shrinking market demand for men’s paid sexual access to women is daunting but we believe it is possible and will require all of us to shift the societal attitudes that sustain women’s unequal position. "

By Laurel McBride
May 4, 2023

The Women’s Equality Coalition believes that poor understanding and implementation of the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA, 2014) is the main cause of inefficiencies in Canada’s efforts to end human trafficking. The Women’s Equality Coalition is encouraging the government to fully implement the Equality Model to protect and support women and girls in prostitution and those who are victims of human trafficking.

April 2023

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