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In this episode we talk with Kyungjin Oh from the Korea Women's Associations United (KWAU) about women's oppression and feminist resistance in South Korea.

December 15, 2024

Throughout 2023, there has been an explosion of closed groups popping up on Facebook under the banner of “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” each specific to a particular community/region of Canada, as well as internationally, including the U.S., Australia, and the United Kingdom.

By Laurel McBride
July 17, 2023

All Asian women suffer the repercussions of racist and misogynistic stereotyping of Asian women.

By Da Hye Son
March 27, 2021

COVID-19 did not create the struggles women are currently facing, but highlighted and exasperated their existing struggles. On this episode, 3 feminists groups share the barriers women faced during the pandemic, from the perspective of women in prison, women working in the domestic and caregiving field, as well as women escaping male violence.
This episode features:
- Julie Diesta and Lotis Caluza from the Vancouver Committee for Domestic Workers' and Caregivers' Rights
- Alia Perini and Candice Pilgrim from Strength in Sisterhood (Advocates for incarcerated women)
- Sonam Khangura and Hilla Kerner from Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter

September 13, 2020

We commend you for revealing yourself as a woman who has resisted and survived male violence as an act of solidarity with other women.

By Vancouver Rape Relief Collective
June 12, 2020
By Pam Rubin, Lucille Harper, Tara Reddick, Linda MacDonald, Jeanne Sarson, Bernadette MacDonald, and Johannah May Black
April 24, 2020

They say feminist struggles have made great steps forward. But we are still being murdered. They say now women have more voice. But we are still being murdered. They say women are now taken into account. But we are still being murdered.

By Zapatista Women
January 29, 2020

​The lyrics remind us that we often face the hardships of being a woman alone. Let’s use that understanding, born from difficulty, to offer sisterhood to other women, when we see them in need.


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