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herizons: 25-Year Retrospective 1992-2017

Cover of Herizons Magazine celebrating 25 years of activism

For winter 2018, herizons, the Canadian feminist magazine, has issued a special edition featuring some of the best articles about feminist activism in Canada that the magazine has published in the last 25 […]

Feeding and Nurturing our Political Palate

Basket of fresh vegetables

The Table Setting: Women from many nations and walks of life gather at the kitchen table for conversations and consciousness-raising in different languages and quite often at the same time […]

Pornography Happens to Women

For twenty years, people that you know and people that you do not know inside the women’s movement, with its great grass-roots breadth and strength, have been trying to communicate […]

Walk For Rape Relief

Longtime walkers think of the Walk for Rape Relief as the day of our first sunburn of the year. Since 1980, voluntary fundraisers spend the spring asking their friends, relatives, […]

Leave a Legacy

Include Vancouver Rape Relief in your will When you include Vancouver Rape Relief as beneficiary in your will, your estate receives a tax deduction on the final income tax return. Name […]

Donate a Wreck

photo of an old car

Donate now and Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter will send you a tax receipt after your car donation is complete.

Mail a Cheque or Money Order

All donations are tax deductible. Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter is a not for profit organization, and registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a charity. Our charitable tax […]

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